I found myself wondering about this very question a couple years ago. My friend asked me to create a myspace page, because he was posting a book he was thinking about publishing as blog posts on the site. However you need to have a myspace account to read it. So I complied, and like any certified geek, I tried really hard to adapt the new "social networking" site into my life.....it didn't work! It was my first step to feeling like an old man. "My wife has a myspace and she lives on that thing" I thought to myself, so I tried even harder. Filling out stupid surveys, questionairs, updating my profile over and over, and tried to add as many people I knew to my friends list.....and nothing! It did nothing but suck up time....by the time I realized what I had done, I had a facebook, and a myspace, and people giving me crap for not "socializing". Now I consider myself a pretty verbose and friendly guy, so for ME to be anti-social, there must be a problem. So I solved it. I removed myself from both services. No more myspace, no more facebook....and my life was simple. So on to blogging. I read certian blogs, yet outside of people that provide some service to the public....web comic artists, actors, politicians, ect. I never really saw the reason an average everyday user would have a blog....I mean who cares what joe nobody is doing at 2am in the morning? And what is with all these problems and stories people post? Then I realized what it is.....it's a place for people to vent, and talk about things they can't talk about with the people around them. For me, it is my nerd side. My wife is normal, my kids are normal...I on the otherhand am a complete and total nerd. I read about 10 web comics daily, I live on my rss feeds, and love tabletop RPGs. Unfortunatly not many people whom I "socialize with" share these interests. So I realized I needed a way to share my feelings on these nerd'isms and found the perfect outlet....a blog. I don't care if anyone reads it, I don't care who knows about it. It's just my free shrink to share my nerdy thoughts that nobody cares about.
your friend,
joe nobody :)
your friend,
joe nobody :)