I wouldn't leave my friggin ATM card in the ATM machine! I swear I'm an idiot sometimes! It's funny I always give people crap for losing their stuff ( wallet, keys, car, ect ) because I NEVER lose things like that. I take pride that I always put my stuff in one place when I come home, so if it isn't on my person it is in that ONE location! As for losing my ATM card, I have never EVER done that! But sure enough I pulled out some cash my wife wanted asked me to pull out, then I hurried off to the store to finish off my shopping for the day. ( Note I was doing great on time! handled Costco, and Walmart in under an hour, and was on my way to finish the trifecta at VONS! ) Of course after a breezed through VONS and was in checkout 10 minutes after my arrival! I realize I don't have my ATM card....where could it be? O CRAP! still in the ATM machine at the bank anyone? Ok well there is no real meaning to this post other than I'm a dumb ass! And now I have to walk my sorry ass in the bank anytime I want money, until my new card arrives. EPIC FAIL!
This is a story about Ram-Man, and more importantly how he got my son to play RPGs with me they way they are meant to be played. First a little background: My son loves rolling dice, so he has been "playing" RPGs with me for a good 6-7 months now. Although at the tender age of 3 1/2 he is far from being an avid role player. Anyway, he enjoyed rolling the dice, and basically playing out combat. It worked out really well for me, as I got into Savage Worlds around this time, and he was my always available player to test out game mechanics that were new and unfamiliar to me; I'm looking at you Mass Battles, Chases, Raises and Toughness. So while he helped me do this, and we even managed to create him a Character and introduce him into a little makeshift gaming group comprised of mostly newbies ( my little sister, my 12 year old Daughter, my Son and my old buddy through skype ), he never really got into anything other than rolling the dice, and uttering things such as ...