So I guess the first thing I should say is: I only own a wii ( no XBox360 or PS3 ). And having 2 kids and a wife means my gaming time is not all that much. So for XMAS we got GHWT the full band kit and RB2 the game only ( since the instruments from GHWT work with RB2 no issues ). So right out of the box we fired up GHWT with the family and had a great time. We threw in the cheat code to unlock all the songs so we could choose from a bigger selection in quickplay and it was a blast. So after about 2 weeks straight of GHWT goodness, my daughter and I decide we should throw in RB2 and see what it takes. After all, according to everyone on the net, GHWT instruments are better but RB2 the game is WAY better! ( so they say ). I mean this is exactly why we bought it in the setup we did. Anyway we popped in RB2, threw in the unlock code so we could try out our favorite songs. It seemed to have a more eclectic taste than GHWT, and a couple of the song selections I actually preferred RB2 to GHWT ( Battery vs Trapped under ice anyone? ) But that being said I really didn't enjoy playing RB2 as much. Maybe it is the fact that my first entry into these games was GH3 and the RB2 interface just bugged me a but. Not sure. So a couple days later I decided to give a solo shot a go and played around a bit more. It was a little better but I still enjoy the layout of GHWT better. And the drums seemed more fun to play. ( For the record I was playing medium drums on both ). Anyone have any insight into how I might enjoy RB2 more? Maybe I just prefer circles to rectangles? I dunno....
This is a story about Ram-Man, and more importantly how he got my son to play RPGs with me they way they are meant to be played. First a little background: My son loves rolling dice, so he has been "playing" RPGs with me for a good 6-7 months now. Although at the tender age of 3 1/2 he is far from being an avid role player. Anyway, he enjoyed rolling the dice, and basically playing out combat. It worked out really well for me, as I got into Savage Worlds around this time, and he was my always available player to test out game mechanics that were new and unfamiliar to me; I'm looking at you Mass Battles, Chases, Raises and Toughness. So while he helped me do this, and we even managed to create him a Character and introduce him into a little makeshift gaming group comprised of mostly newbies ( my little sister, my 12 year old Daughter, my Son and my old buddy through skype ), he never really got into anything other than rolling the dice, and uttering things such as ...