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Narrating text based rpg session

So I"m pondering something. Lately my crew and I have been doing some online chat RPG sessions. The first session and the latest session ( session 7 ) were audio sessions, however sessions 2 - 6 were all chat logs. The latest audio session we recorded and created an mp3 file. The nice folks over at rpgmp3 mentioned that we could post in on their site, however I realized that that single session wouldn't make much sense as you don't have any of the previous sessions to go over. So my ponder was this: What if we got the crew together and narrated the chat sessions ( as well as an overview of the first session ) and created audio sessions for these as well to post? I mean it isn't real game time, but it might actually add some thespianism to the whole thing. Anyway anyone have any comments?


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