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Showing posts from June, 2009

New Players!

So I just got a couple more players interested in trying out our Lunch time Power session RPG experiment! It will be interesting for a few reasons: 1) they are my sisters 2) One has some limited RPG exp back about 10 years ago 3) the other has NO RPG exp at all. That being said, I think the first couple of session will need to be in person so we can work through how to use our web based system, and just get the feel of how to play the game in general. With that being the case, instead of rolling them into our current game, I think I will start them in a new game, and ramp them up a bit slower. Once they get ramped up, I will then roll them into the main game. I think this will be really cool, as both of them will bring some very different perspective to the way the rest of my group has been playing. So we shall see....